Do not worship the land, rather, worship G-d instead

Israel is three things, a trinity, idolatry. a patriarch of twelve tribes, an entire people that descended from that patriarch, and finally ERETZ ISRAEL, which is the land of Israel and which is considered holy, a place of miracles and a place where G-d watches daily over every aspect of its maintenance, just as he watched Eretz Israel for the last 2000 years when we were not there.

It is an obscenity to consider ERETZ ISRAEL greater than our G-d who gave us the promised land as a gift.

The state of Israel is not the redemption, however, and the exile is still not ended while the majority of Jews still choose to live outside her boundaries. So due to the stubbornness of certain Jewish communities, whether they be secular or religious, we have people who are acting as obstacles to the final redemption in order that they may prove themselves somehow as better Jews.
But G-d has His own timetable, and it's apparent to many that we have already reached the “end of days,” (acharit hayamim) and that redemption will come very soon, no matter how hard some may try to stop it or deny it.

The rebbe of my teacher was supposed to have said that some religious Jews would be among the last to accept the moshiach. Let us hope we will not be among that camp when the day arrives.


  1. Yeshua was the moshiach and he will come back. Keep denying him.


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