40 billion years on mt sinai

NIGHT. Not day. Extreme dark. Wilderness. No one around. Hours. Years. Eternities.

i spent an eternity on mt sinai. deepest mysteries of existence revealed to me.
i saw the burning bush
i come back

these israelites? they are doing the same trivial repetitive pointless criminal activities.

Yahweh, these israelites are not worthy of saving. You are right. They are a stiffnecked


I have been to mt sinai before, but never this deep. I experienced 5000 years pass me by in

the wilderness of the night. Civilizations and cultures came and went. There is no difference in each passing

generation. Most of them behave the same way. However, me and God are constant.

From eternity came a voice of God's chief enemy, calling out God...

"Why bother creating these humans? None of them are worthy."

That voice said a lot of things. The heavens shook because of what he said.
Our conflict is eternal, Allah, Yahweh, God, whatever you call yourself.

My God is not Allah, or Yahweh, some fire on a burning bush, or a demon appearing as fire or

clouds, descending upon the mountains, that dwells in rooms where they perform thoughtless

rituals. My God is the universe. My God is the multiverse. It is the infiniteverse. It cannot

be confined to a bush, a tabernacle, or a temple, or a mosque. It is nature. It is reality.

Existence itself is my God.


Saw the house where Moses lives still, on top of sinai, which you can see via the internet.

That church like dwelling is where Moses spends his time 40 days each year. His spirit.


Why don't people spend more time in such places instead of indulging in vain discourses with

each other, repetitive, pointless, not reaching for the reason why they were created, finding

out mysteries of existence?


Anyone worthy can access such hidden places that are in the open.


Why should i correct this text ? These stiffnecked people are not worthy. They are petty and crass, trivial, waste their existence away on worthless affairs. But its not just the jews, most of humanity is unworthy.


  1. Moses's refuge on Mt Sinai where he rests or sleeps every year for 40 days receiving more mysteries from the Divine


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