The demons who lived when Solomon used to rule the world are still alive because they have very long lives. They'll help us build the Third Temple. Use them.
If they think they can handle the burden, they should all try to become or emulate their prophets. Perhaps G-d will reveal himself to them. Who is stopping them? There's one jewish guy who lives in caves in America. Daniel Suelo. He has everything in him that qualifies him as a prophet. biblical prophets were no different. And he probably haven't committed as many sins as i have! He has inspired me too, since 2003. 16 years. Maybe he is a prophet? I say yes. David Koresh? Why not. He was a martyr. Perhaps a prophet. If our great rabbis accept medieval jewish prophets, why shouldn't we accept present day prophets? We should. We should continue our jewish history for the next 6000 years and forever in the messianic age that will move our nefeshim to the next world while living in this world, granting us eternal lives, immortality. We have to observe G-d's commandments in order to not perish and be granted eternal life, in this very world, if we do not sin and not f...
Israel is three things, a trinity, idolatry. a patriarch of twelve tribes, an entire people that descended from that patriarch, and finally ERETZ ISRAEL, which is the land of Israel and which is considered holy, a place of miracles and a place where G-d watches daily over every aspect of its maintenance, just as he watched Eretz Israel for the last 2000 years when we were not there. It is an obscenity to consider ERETZ ISRAEL greater than our G-d who gave us the promised land as a gift. The state of Israel is not the redemption, however, and the exile is still not ended while the majority of Jews still choose to live outside her boundaries. So due to the stubbornness of certain Jewish communities, whether they be secular or religious, we have people who are acting as obstacles to the final redemption in order that they may prove themselves somehow as better Jews. But G-d has His own timetable, and it's apparent to many that we have already reached the “end...
אלוהים אלוהינו יצר עולמות רבים. העולם הזה שאנו חיים בו אינו עבודתו הטובה ביותר. יש לו הרבה טעויות. הנביאים והרבנים מתפללים ליהוה לשנות אותו, לסיים את הסבל, לסיים את הרוע, יהוה לא עונה. למה? כי העולם הבא הוא עולם הרבה יותר טוב, קבוע יותר מהעולם הזה. לכן המורה חכם שלמה לימד אותנו שכל דבר בעולם הזה הוא לשווא. לכן אנחנו צריכים לחפש את אלוהים, הוא מתגורר בהר סיני כי הוא לבוא בעולם, עולם קדוש, עולם רוחני, נטול כל טומאה, אין רע, לא חטא. לכן אנחנו צריכים לטהר את עצמנו כדי להזין את הממלכה הקדושה של אלוהים והעולם של הרוח שהוא העולם הבא הוא הרבה יותר טוב מהעולם הזה Translation: G-d our Lord has created many worlds. This world that we reside in is not his best work. It has a lot of mistakes. Prophets and the rabbis pray to Y-hw-h to alter it, to end suffering, to end evil, Y-hw-h does not answer. Why? Because the world to come is a much better world, more permanent than this world. That is why the wise teacher Solomon taught us that everything in this particular world is vain. That is w...
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